Acoustic panels and other ways to limit noise in your office

There’s nothing worse than realising, after a whole day in the office, that you have only completed half the jobs you had planned. There may be various reasons for a lack of productivity and everyone has a bad day every now and then.

But, in many cases, it may be down to noise in the office. And that’s no good to anyone. When you are interrupted, it takes an average of ten minutes to refocus properly on the task you are performing. Acoustic panels and other tools can help to create an office with a pleasant working atmosphere. 

Acoustic panels and co 

Floors and ceilings are perfect locations for acoustic improvements. A noise-reducing carpet, for example, will muffle footsteps and the roll of every office chair. You can also secure acoustic panels or ‘baffles’ to a ceiling to prevent annoying echoes. And you can choose from a range of stylish models so you don’t need to worry about the appearance of your office. Acoustic walls limit the transfer of noise between workstations. 

Create a separate kitchen 

The kitchen is often the centre of activity. Colleagues chat to one another, the microwave, dishwasher and coffee machine are constantly in use, and the cutlery clatters on the plates. It goes without saying that you will struggle to focus if you work near this area. That is why, when organising your office design, you must reserve the zone around the kitchen for meeting rooms or relaxation areas, or ensure that the kitchen space can be closed off. If you opt for glass doors, in that second scenario, you will retain adequate light and a sense of space. 

Smart location of teams 

Flexi workstations may be ‘on trend’, but the fact remains that different teams work in different ways. Your marketing or sales department, for example, might meet or hold brainstorming sessions more frequently than your accountants or programmers. Bear this in mind when you allocate islands to your teams so that colleagues don’t interrupt each other unnecessarily. 

Tailor-made acoustics 

Every office is, of course, different. That’s why we are happy to work with you on the options for improving your office acoustics or optimising ergonomics in general. Feel free to get in touch for a no-obligation chat. 

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