flex collection Archives - Alternativ

Introducing Flex Collection: a creative & agile studio

“A lot of environments today throw everyone into the same general space and say ‘collaborate.’ And, we’re surprised when it doesn’t work and people feel frustrated. Teams do not have the control they need to move easily from activity to activity. They don’t have the ability to reconfigure their space at will if their team make-up, needs or priorities change.” Lire plus

Introducing Flex Collection: an office rebellion

Steelcase Flex was inspired by teams working in spaces not designed for team-based work who became impatient with their static space and hacked their offices. Here are five ways renegade teams hacked their space: Lire plus

Introducing Flex Collection: the solitary genius, a shattered myth

The companies that are thriving have learned teamwork— and a culture that supports it—is the only way to make innovation happen. But teams, faced with an unprecedented level of complexity and an intense need for speed, have changed radically in just a few years. Lire plus